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San Rafael Canal 2022 Lighted Boat Parade

Bonnie A. Millar • December 12, 2022

We’re all a-boat a good time! Berschler Associates, PC is excited to share an opportunity to spectate a holiday tradition since 1966 in the San Rafael Canal. On Saturday, December 17, 2022, from 6:00PM- 9:00 PM, festively decorated boats will cruise down a sea-nic route from the east end of the canal near the Marin Yacht Club and Pickleweed Park, turn around behind the Montecito Shopping Center and return to the start. The Montecito Mall, San Rafael Yacht Club, and Pickleweed Park are great locations to view the event. The parade has featured Santa Claus with his reindeer sailing down the canal and the San Rafael Police in years past. Boats come from all over the Bay Area to show off their creative and cheerful lights displays. You’re knot going to want to miss this one! Information is posted on or call 415-453-9366. 

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